Sermon's by
Rev. Tom Laymon
Zeal for the Year
1/08/23 | John 2:17Zeal for the Year
The Assignment
12/25/22 | Luke 1:26-38The Assignment
The Unwrapping of Christmas
12/11/22The Unwrapping of Christmas
Real Hope in Chaos
12/05/22Real Hope in Chaos
Does the Gospel Matter?
11/28/22Does the Gospel Matter? You Bet Your Life
Food or Not Food
11/20/22 | 1-corinthians 8Food or Not Food
"A Little Yeast..."
11/14/22"A Little Yeast..."
Don't Drift/Don't Leak Out
11/06/22 | Hebrews 2Don't Drift/Don't Leak Out
Foolishness and Wisdom
10/30/22 | 1-corinthians 1:18-31Foolishness and Wisdom
10/09/22 | Hebrews 11Heroes
The Difference
10/03/22 | Hebrews 13The Difference