Programs and Services
Rebuilding right relationships with God, Family, and Society.

Daily men struggling with the issues of homelessness and substance abuse seek shelter with Sunday Breakfast Mission. Our dormitory style shelter can house over 100+ men in comfortable sleeping accomodations to provide safe shelter from the elements, nightly chapel services for encouragement, and nutritious breakfast to start the day. While coming to Sunday Breakfast Mission usually starts with shelter and a meal, we encourage men who are seeking life-change to discover our New Life Discipleship program designed to equip each man with the neccesary tools to break the cycles of addiction and homelessness and pursue purposeful relationships again.
Please use the button below to contact Mawolo Mulbah, Men's Program Director, if you are in need of shelter or would like discover more about the Men's New Life Discipleship Program.

On February 28, 2011, SBM invited the first woman into our doors to find safe shelter and a warm place to lay her head, while escaping the dangerous and harsh realities of living on the streets. Today, women and women with children regularly enter our doors seeking shelter and safety, only to discover much more! They receive nutritious meals for themselves and their children. They discover the benefits of enrolling in the Women's New Life Discipleship program designed to empower women to overcome life-issues resulting from abuse, addiction, broken relationships and homelessness. All the while gaining life skills and soft skills to rebuild relationships lossed.
Please use the button below to contact Mrs. Janice Laymon, Women's Program Director, if you are in need of shelter or would like discover more about the Women's New Life Discipleship Program.

We are community investors. Since our inception Sunday Breakfast Mission has been concerned about our community at large, and this still holds true to today. We host five major events annually to help meet the needs of individuals and families in our surrounding region.
These events are Alazar's Co-Ed Basketball Camp for children ages 9 - 11 yrs old. Our Annual Back To School Rally which provides children grades K - 8th with a backpack filled with neccessary school supplies for the coming year. The Great Thanksgiving Food Outreach designed to meet the needs of struggling families by providing a complete Thanksgiving meal including a turkey to each family registered. The Great Thanksgiving Banquet for homeless men, women, and children along with impoverished families from the surrounding neighborhoods. Finally, Christmas Shop providing parents with presents for their children during the Christmas holiday.
By providing these special projects for individuals and families, Sunday Breakfast Mission is able to share God's great love and hope to many who are hurting and struggling in our local neighborhoods.
“Having seen the mission in action, I have immense confidence in the programs and services they provide homeless individuals and families. And I know what I've donated to support those programs compounds in value because of the staff's authentic dedication to their purpose.”