Discover your new life today!
Are you ready to take the next step towards a New Life?
Sunday Breakfast Mission is here to help! Our New Life Discipleship Program is designed to help men, women, and women with children break the cycles of homelessness, various addictions, and broken relationships. As a "Resident" enrolled in our New Life Discipleship Program, Sunday Breakfast Mission will assist you with growing in faith, purpose, and direction. Our 12-14 month program focuses on providing a wholistic approach to equip men and women to rebuild their lives and be restored to right relationships with God, family, and society.
As a New Life Program Resident you will experience.....
One on One Biblical Counseling
Soft Skill and Job Readiness
Education and Self Growth Courses
Opportunity to Connect with God and Others

If you are ready to take the next steps towards a New Life, then please connect with our Men's and Women's New Life Program Directors and learn how you can experience new life today!
(877) 306 - HOME
The Mission has helped me rebuild my foundation and my faith. They’ve given me hope and helped me think about my decisions and redeem the mistakes I’ve made.