Aubrey's Story
Aubrey by his own account was brought up in a good home and did well in school. It would be while serving in the armed forces that the use of alcohol and drugs began to take control of his life. The control of drugs and alcohol consumed Aubrey’s life for 35 years. He went through various treatment programs in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. The result was always the same, a few weeks clean then back to using drugs and running the streets.
Aubrey came to Sunday Breakfast Mission and knew something was different…
“The Mission’s program allowed God to lift my heart and spirit and put me on the right track! I completed the program, but experienced the truth and reality of how deep my heart’s desire for drugs and alcohol had become after 35 years. Yes I relapsed again, and headed back to the Mission to see if I could get some help. I knew I needed help.”
The Mission staff welcomed Aubrey back encouraging him to deal with the heart issues that needed to be resolved. It was time for Aubrey to get off of the merry go round of cycling between rehab centers and drugs.
“The counselors helped me see I needed to put off the old ways I was living. Just to say no was not enough. I had put on the freedom provided through living for the Lord. The Mission has allowed me to take stock in my life and be able to give back through helping those just coming in the program as well those who I pray for daily that come in each night to the Mission.”
“The Bible assures me that God has begun a good work in me, and promises to carry it out to completion.”
The core for that completion is the hope that has been restored in Aubrey’s life, made possible through the Discipleship Program here at Sunday Breakfast Mission. Many men and women, just like Aubrey are experiencing this hope today!