Rob's Story

Reluctant and insecure about life, Rob entered Sunday Breakfast Mission’s New Life Program not knowing if SBM would be the place to help him gain back sobriety. Working over the past 25 years for a food importer, Rob lost his job when the company closed six years ago. Frustration and the turmoil of working temporary job after temporary job, left Rob alone and insecure about himself, life, and if he would recover. During this time, Rob turned to alcohol to find comfort and help to cope with his fears, and insecurities.
Since coming to SBM, Rob has discovered the importance of working through his fears and past failures.
“Since I came in the door, I have come forward,” Rob said. “I am not who I used to be because being here got everything out of my way so I can work on me" said, Rob.
With the help of counselors and staff at SBM, Rob discovered the power of Jesus’ word and his own bright potential. With a vital support system on his side, Rob dealt with his past and grew in the confidence, knowing that we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works.
“I can now accomplish many things without many distractions and help other people,” Rob said.