Sermon's by
Rev. Tom Laymon
7/29/18 | Ezekiel 45Consequences/Grace
TEN Times He Said
7/15/18 | Luke 24:36-49TEN Times He Said
Whose Kingdom?
7/08/18 | Luke 23Whose Kingdom?
They Begged Him to Stay
7/01/18 | Luke 24:13-35They Begged Him to Stay
Lord it Over, Servant
6/24/18 | Luke 22:24-30Lord it Over, Servant
The Rising Sun
6/17/18 | Luke 1:46-79The Rising Sun
To Fill You with Spiritual Wisdom
5/13/18 | Colossians 1:9-12To Fill You with Spiritual Wisdom
Two Made One
5/06/18 | Luke 7:1-10Two Made One
God's Purpose, My Call
4/29/18 | Luke 2:21-52God's Purpose, My Call
Bringing Down the House
4/22/18 | Mark 2:2012Bringing Down the House
The Cause of Fights
3/11/18 | JamesThe Cause of Fights
3/04/18 | James 2Faithful