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Rebuilding Lives, & Restoring Families in Jesus' name.
Thanks to you, Sunday Breakfast Mission has been keeping its doors open to safely serve the greater Wilmington area for over 125 years. Last year your generosity was instrumental in...

Men, women, and children beginning a new relationship with Jesus.

Nights of safe shelter being provided.

Nutritious meals being provided.

Men and women completing SBM's New Life program since 2005.

Overnight Shelter
Temporary Emergency Shelter designed to provide Men, women, and women with children a safe and comfortable place to find rest and care at the most vulnerable times in their life.

New Life Program
Long-term Bible-based rehabilitation to help men and women experience life-transformation and discover a path to restoring relationships with God, family, and society.

Community Support
Community meal served each evening, monthly food box assistance for families in need, special community projects designed to serve individuals and families in need.
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Sunday Breakfast Mission is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Costs are average and include the expenses, extra funds will be used to care for hungry, homeless, and hurting people throughout the year. No person is denied services based on race, creed, sex, disability,or national origin. We never sell or rent our supporters' names.